Thursday, October 28, 2010

Do you want me to throw this at you?

I Hate

Jeggings- noun.  leg-wear made out of material similar to demin, but that fits like spandex.
Example: I want to wear leggings today, but not et ridiculed for not actually wearing pants; I know, I'll wear JEGGINGS!

Let's spray paint on some elasta-denim material, and call it pants.

-Camel toe
-Muffin top
-Ability to make skinny girls look fat
-Puffy-butt syndrome
-Excuse to not actually wear legal pants

And, it gets worse.
Acid wash...jeggings?

Oh my sweet baby Jesus.
What is the world coming to?

-Leggings and a dress, or shirt long enough to cover your butt

To be clear:
I in no way, shape, or form hate the people who wear said clothing item, I would just like if I did not have to witness the wearing of it.  In my PERSONAL OPINION (therefore, not to be taken to offense) they do not look good on anyone, not matter how skinny, fat, short or tall you are.
That being said, I do love you all dearly.

So, I think I shall make the "Trends I Hate" posts regular things.
I'm a cynical pessimist, what do you expect?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Delicious Autumn

Fall is my favorite season. 
I can wear boots, the leaves turn, and of course, Halloween!

Pictures by: Alex Dunlap
Sweater: Kohl's   Purse: Vintage
Clock: Vintage    Dress: Francesca's
Tights: Simply Vera    Shoes: Kohl's

Set made on

You have to be quiet in the woods, or the evil tree people will get you.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lock the door that lets the future in.

I wish I could remember when I was four.
Normally, I don't think or talk about stuff like this, but I have been reminded recently how beautiful childhood is.
I feel like I ran through it too fast, I want to go back and convince myself to stay a child longer, instead of forcing myself to grow up way too fast.

Isabella just turned four.
She's my niece.
I don't want her to ever grow up.
I don't ever want her to have to see or experience what my sister and myself have.
More than anything, I want her to stay in this stage where she forgives easily, everything is beautiful, and the world is hers.
This is a completely ignorant wish.
Growing up is part of life, yes.  But I wish the world was still innocent like it is to a child. 

Isabella and I at her birthday party.
We were fairies.


I think a fairy is the ultimate symbol of childhood.
Free, small, unrestrained.

There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Tres Ante Meridian

The first rule of Fight Club:
Don't talk about Fight Club.

I come home, at three in the morning, feeling pretty low.
What do I do? 
I turn on my camera, snap a few pictures, and I magically feel better.
This is my escape.
I let go of everything.  Then I am free to do anything.

Sweater: Kohl's $12
Dress: Francesca's $40
Shoes: Vintage Stolen from GWC
Viking Helmet: Target $1