Friday, July 22, 2011

Free Bins and Hot Pretzels

So, my friends- Holly and Mckenzie (Gal with Curves) and myself went on an adventure in downtown Nashville.  We vintaged shopped, got lost, and ate pizza.
Over-all a successful day.
When all was said and done, I was the only one who actually bought anything.  I got a pair of bellbottoms from the 70s for $20.  But, to our joy - there was a free bin outside one of the vintage shops!  From there I grabbed two flannel shirts and a pair of plaid pants that probably belonged to my dad.  Yes, I wear boy's clothes sometimes.
Now, I'm just on the hunt for a few items: bow-tie, bowler hat, newsboy cap, saddle oxfords, and a boy who wears stuff like that.
Good luck, to myself.
I do love vintage...

And here's a mannequin's ass.

Have a lovely day..
Love, Kelsey

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